Thursday, 8 October 2015

My New Idea

I love reading other blogs and this month I have been reading a lot of Sprinkle Of Glitter's blog and she has a started a new feature which is an October Diary. I really like that idea so I'm going to incorporate that into my blog but I'm going to do it when I want. 
I will still be posting every Sundays so this will be a new side feature, like my favourites.

So nothing really exciting has been happening recently. Basically my life has been school and homework, watching YouTube and TV and blogging.
School is alright but is boring always doing the same subjects every day, especially science which I hate so much. I'm enjoying my drama GCSE as we're making a panto for younger kids and it's making me get into the Christmas spirit- last Friday me and my friend Cerys were going round singing Christmas songs. Geography is alright but can be boring as we done the same stuff earlier in the year and French is boring but I know I need to try hard in it for the future.
I've been watching a lot of YouTube and TV recently, which is something I do a lot in the autumn. I'm also very behind on YouTube, over a week behind, as I watch my subscriptions in order so I'm trying to catch up. This year I haven't been watching a lot of TV but recently I've been watching quite a bit and those shows are:
-Strictly It Takes Two
-The Educating series on channel 4
-Child Genius
You can also give me some suggestions in the comments below :)

Blogging is something I've been doing as I like to have quite a few posts scheduled as it makes me feel organised and if I get blogger block, I'll still have some posts. 
I'm also trying to eat more healthy as I haven't. I always say that I'm going to eat healthy but never do but this time I will. I've also been changing up my lunches to make them more interesting and more healthy as I have fruit every day when I never ever had any fruit.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I'll probably continue doing these sorts of posts as I find it really therapeutic writing about my life and I love writing my blog.
If you want to you can follow me on Twitter and my username is @_LouiseCarter_ (I nearly spelt my surname wrong then)
See you soon,

Ps. My Collective Haul will be up tomorrow or Saturday and there will also be a post on Sunday. I'm spoiling you! :)

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