Monday, 7 March 2016

Weekly Reflect 1

Today on The Lipstick Insider we are starting a new series called Weekly Reflect where basically I reflect on the past week. I wanted to start this series because I wanted to do more diary style posts as this is also a lifestyle blog. I got this idea from a blogger I read called Maeve who has the blog Thrift O'Clock and I really like reading her weekly reflects. I might do these every week I might not and I also don't have a day when I'm going to upload these as on the weekend I'm usually busy with homework.

This day was the day I performed in assembly for the first time which we also did on all of the other days in the week; I wasn't that nervous until I was next to go on but I did it even though the year 7's didn't find it that funny which wasn't that good but we had high hopes for the next day. Basically what we did as a group was a sketch for world book day where we was all auditioning and we were different book characters- I was Veruca Salt from Charlie & The Chocolate Factory but the others were Katniss Everdeen, Hermonine Granger, Voldermot, Hazel from The Fault In Our Stars and Triss from the Divergent series.

In other things I also enjoyed some Pick & Mix, which I have been loving recently and you would know that if you read my February Favourites, and some Tangfastics but I did do a HIIT workout to make me feel a bit better for the large amount of food I consumed! 

This day I woke up with a massive earache and it wouldn't go for the rest of the day but it was really bad in the morning. The night before I think I started it because I had my headphones over my glasses line on my ear and it made it really red so maybe I should blame myself.

Also I was really productive this day so I wrote a whole blog post, edited a lot of blog photos and workout which is really good for me and especially as it was a school day, a very boring school day but there was a fire drill so we had to stand in the cold for 10 minutes whilst all the teachers had coats which was a bit sad as I was sooo cold and I also had to do hockey in the rain and old and that was not nice. 

This day I had the most sorest feet because of my stupid shoes. For the drama thing, which I mentioned, I wore these white platform trainers and I've worn them quite a few times but today they hurt so much that I had so many blisters and my feet started bleeding a lot and I got a lot of blood on them shoes. So I got some new shoes which are from F&F and it is another pair of trainers so my growing collection but trainers are my favourite type of shoes.

Also I got a massive piece of homework today which is so hard. Basically I'm on this uni course which is for smart people (I'm not smart though) and the course in on cryptography and the homework is dycypting this homework with no clue and the text is really long, Urg so that's fun
So as you read on Wednesday I had the sorest feet well on Thursday they were worst because I wore my new shoes but I was stupid and didn't wear any socks so they rubbed again any my feet hurt so much and what makes things better is no plaster will stay so I'm in pain. Erg!

Thursday was a very boring day and I started to do my uni homework but didn't get very far because it took so long and I got bored and I wanted to do the other things on my to do list but luckily I didn't have a workout as otherwise I wouldn't get that much done. 

Obviously I had more foot issues on Friday but this time I wore socks and they bled through the socks! Erg! Today was the last day of performing the World Book Day sketch and I'm glad because I won't need to wear painful trainers although I won't be able to get out of form anymore!

On Friday I didn't do a workout which I'm gutted about but I was so busy doing a lot of homework as I have so much homework due in next week and a science exam (which I'm really scared about as I hate science) and maybe a maths test on fun things like trigonometry and Pythagoras theorem.  I also worked on my uni homework and it's so hard; the 2000 word essay will probably be easier.

The first part of Saturday was a fail as I started to do a What I Eat In A Day but I took the pictures of my breakfast and lunch on my phone but my phone decided not to work and won't let me move the pictures so I need to scrap that idea but I think I might do one next week as I definately want to do one.

I also reorganized my desk and I love it. I still need to get a couple of more things for it as it does look quite bland at the moment but I wanted a big space to keep my massive laptop. I want to get some more organisational things like a good calendar and some decor pieces. I also want to get some things for the wall like some quotes as I have a plain white wall. 

Also on Saturday I went into town just to pass some time so I didn't have to do my uni homework. I didn't get that much but you will see them in hauls but I got some new earphones as my ones stopped working, the black and white drawers on the left which are from Primark and I also bought the cups table organizer on the right which is from Tiger.

Sunday is the day for me when I get all my homework done and plan for the week ahead which is exactly what I did. I did some of my homework on Friday night which meant I had less to do as I had quite a bit and my sister had none so I was very mad at her. Something which always makes me feel productive is having a bath so I had a nice bath using The Experimenter bath bomb from Lush, Tesco bath cream and the Zoella Fizz Bar and the bath did make me feel very productive and I thought of a blog post ideas in there.

Sunday was also mothers day and it was a very weird day as my mum passed away last year so it was the first one I spent without her and I kept seeing happy mothers day posts on Instagram so I did feel very sad especially as it's nearly a year since she died.

My first Weekly Reflect ever done! I hope you enjoyed it as it is different but I really liked making it as I'm the worst at keeping a diary so for me this will kinda be my diary. If you want more from me as it happens follow me on Twitter or Instagram (_louisecarter_) as I NEED TO START POSTING ON THERE MORE

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