Monday, 14 March 2016

Why I Hate Tests.

So the other day I was in my science exam, which was very hard, when I thought of this blog post idea. Not the best thing to do when in a test which determines whether you are doing double or triple science for GCSE and set changes however I couldn't remember enzymes and experiments so I started thinking of other things, as you do. So I've come up with a list (I love a good list) why I hate and what I've learnt from tests/exams whether they're like formal ones in the hall or the ones in the classroom.

1. It's awkward if you need to cough/sneeze
So I'm ill at the moment as I'm loosing my voice and my throat really hurts so I have been coughing a lot; that is not the best if you are in a test and you need to have a coughing fit every 10 seconds. I'm sorry to anyone who was in the canteen with me then but I couldn't help it. As I coughed so much I was trying to keep my cough in (which was very hard) and that ended up failing as I thought I was going to die.

2. Teachers end up using tests as excuse for marking
This is about tests in the classroom and I've noticed that whenever I do a test in class the teacher is usually marking which is ok as what else are they going to do but I think (and this is just a theory) they give us a test when they have a lot of marking to catch up on they give us a test because they don't have to teach for an hour and they could mark a lot of books during that hour.

3. Teachers don't care students educations
This is only about 5% of teachers but something that is a MASSIVE pet peeve of mine is not teaching us stuff on the test. Teachers always come up with the line 'we didn't get to see the test' and that is their excuse for 'I know what is on the test but I won't tell these devil children what is on the test so I don't have to teach'. In my science test there was a lot of things which I hadn't learnt and obviously that's not my fault if I don't get it because us students are only going to revise what we got told because my biology teacher told us what to revise and 
2 of them things from about a list of 8 were on the test. Thanks a bunch!

4. Revision posters 
I hate revision posters. In science this week we had to make 4 (one everyday before the test) and that was the biggest waste of time when my class could've been learning something which was on the test. For me revision posters don't really help with my revision as there is too much information on a page and all I do is end up trying to make them look nice instead of revising and taking in the information. My science notes looked like a rainbow (seriously they were so pretty) but did not help me.

5. The time after you finished the test
I am a quick test taker just something which has always happened since primary school but I always find it really awkward once you've finished a test and you're waiting to leave the hall or when you can talk to your friends to discuss the test. I usually have to wait about 10-15 minutes and that feels like a hour. I never know what to do because you can't look around as that's cheating (even though there's never anything interesting on behind) but you don't want to stare at the clock as otherwise the time will go even slower. What I seem to do is daydream and play with my nails

Sorry for the really rambling post but it's a Saturday evening stuck at home watching YouTube so I needed something to do to pass the time. If you would like more of my rants (seriously I rant ALL THE TIME) follow me on Twitter (_louisecarter_) as I rant there a lot but don't make my Instagram (same handle) feel left out so follow me there to!

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