Sunday 22 November 2015

Morning Life Hacks

I used to be a morning person but in the last year or so I have not and I have been struggling to get out of bed these days so I have compiled this list of hacks that will hopefully streamline your morning and give you more time in bed!

Make breakfast the night before or have a go-to breakfast - Every morning I have cereal and that is very easy and quick to make and eat but I know not everyone likes having cereal so you could have a go-to breakfast which is quick to make, eggs on toast or porridge. You could make a smoothie or a fruit salad the night before and keep it in the fridge. I’m not inventive at all at breakfast time so just watch some YouTube videos.

Quick makeup routine and have it in one small makeup bag -This tip is really useful to me as I always drop or lose everything, especially the makeup I want to wear that day so the night before I will put all the makeup and products into a small makeup bag and then I have everything for the next day as well. If you’re looking for a makeup bag of any size look in Primark as they have so many.

Make your lunch the night before -This is something that I’ve been taught to do for years. Basically I make all of my lunch the night before and keep it in the fridge or porch. In my lunchbox I usually have a sandwich (usually tuna and sweetcorn as I don’t like many sandwich fillings anymore, crisps, frube, fruit of some sort and a chocolate or bakery treat for break time. However sometimes I do bring in shop-bought salads as you don’t need to make anything but that can get expensive in the long run.

Develop a routine you do every day -Every morning I have a routine down to the mirror. I probably won’t do a morning routine so I’ll run down my routine.
-I get up about 6:20am
-I then have breakfast which is always cereal
-I then get ready for school including makeup
-I then go on my laptop for an hour and blog for 30 minutes
-At 7:30 I pack any other things in my bag such as glasses case and makeup bag. I will still then go on my laptop.
-At 7:50ish I turn on my earphones, put my lunch in my bag and leave the house to meet my friend Cerys usually.

Place your alarm somewhere you have to get up/ other side of the room -I don’t use an alarm as if I did I would always hit the snooze button but if you do use an alarm, I would say place it on the other side of the room as you have to get up and in a way it forces you to get out the room and onto the next step of your routine.

Dry shampoo will become your best friend - On a school night 9 times out of 10 you’re not going to be bothered to wash your hair so you need dry shampoo in your life and it honestly will be your best friend. I like Batiste dry shampoo but I’ve also heard that Collab dry shampoo is really good so I might need to try that.

Keep your essentials in a key place so you know where they are every morning- I keep all of my essentials on my dresser so when I’m leaving my room I can pick everything up as my dresser is right by the door. I also keep everything I use in the morning on my dresser as in the morning I can never ever be bothered to find everything so I do it in the evening when I’m in a tidy mood and can be bothered to get everything ready for the morning.

Clean up the night before- It will make you feel more motivated in the morning and you know where everything is in the morning. When my room is tidy I’m less productive so keeping your space tidy is really important and it’s prettier and more inviting

Drink! - You need to drink all the time but it is very important in the morning as your body loses fluids in the night (I got all of this from a Morning Routine video!) Water is probably better but I like to have juice because it fills me up until break time and it’s delicious.

Playlist!A playlist for me is now essential for me when I’m getting ready in the morning because it makes me get ready that little bit faster and it makes getting ready more enjoyable as I have something to sing along to. Music might not be for everyone as it might get people distracted but I like listening to my Spotify Getting Ready playlist. 

So I hope these hacks will help you to have a better morning and maybe you will even become a morning person. Having said that I am in no way on becoming a morning person but maybe in the next year or so (probably not though)
Thanks for reading

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