Saturday 16 July 2016

My Ideal Summer

At the beginning of the summer I thought it would be a good idea to share with you what I would want to be my perfect summer. Most of these probably won't actually happen (defiantly one won't) but it's good to be optimistic  which is what I'm doing here. Hopefully I will conquer some of these stuff but I just need to be a bit less lazy.

-Go on a nice long walk around where I live (even though the view isn't very nice) with an ice cold Costa drink (I'm lucky I have 2 near me) and a good playlist on.- This might happen as it's quite realistic and it will actually get me moving which is quite rear for me unless it's walking around a shopping centre

-Go somewhere different for a day-  Hopefully this will happen as I do normally go to the same places and obviously it gets really boring so I want to take a day trip somewhere different

-Try out new food and eat healthy for most days of the week- This one I need to be more brave as I don't really like trying new food because I don't want to not like it. Also I'm going to try and be more healthy and not snack as much

-Binge watch a TV series with good food (definately a cheat day)- This is very likely to happen and will probably happen a lot but what is there is to resist. I also want to binge watch Royal Crush again as I binged watched that last summer

-Meet up with my friends for other activities, not just shopping.- This one is obviously up to my friends but I definately want to do something else with them as even though I love shopping sometimes it's nice to do something different as you can tell this summer I want to do different stuff

-Nice, all-inclusive holiday on the beach with good wi-fi- Sadly this won't be happening but maybe I'll will get surprised even though I know this won't happen so I'll just continue dreaming about this

-Going to bed late and then waking up late spending an hour in bed on my phone and watching YouTube- I do already do 75% of this but the bit I struggle is, is surprisingly the waking up late. However late I go to bed I still usually end up waking up at 6 or 7 am (or sometimes 5am!) so I need to work on that but I don't know how to.

That is what my summer would look like in an ideal world. I'm definately going to try and do some of these (apart from the holiday one) and hopefully I'll let you know on how I got on because I'm sure you all want to know.

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