Sunday 22 May 2016

Top 5 TV Shows I'm Loving At The Moment

Usually I'm more of a YouTube fan than a TV fan but recently I've found a couple of TV shows that I really like and wanted to do a Top 5 of the shows I'm loving and they all couldn't fit into a favourites post so I wanted to dedicate a whole post to them. I don't have Netflix so they're all shows on actual TV.

In The Club- Probably a bit of a weird one for a 14 year old but I really like In The Club. It's on BBC and it follows 6-8 women during pregnancy (that was series 1 which I didn't watch) and after and during pregnancy (this current series). The current series is more about the couples and what it's like to have a baby while dealing with other issues such as former relationships, husband in prison and having a baby in a lift!

The Real Housewives Of Cheshire- Moving onto reality TV now I have really been loving The Real Housewives Of Cheshire because I personally prefer reality shows in the UK and I love seeing how the upper class live and I look at their houses and I'm like 'OMG!' It is your basic reality TV show but I like it because it's not as bitchy as some of the others. It airs on ITVbe on a Monday but I always watch it on a Friday or Saturday night because on a Monday I'm tired and want to go to bed.

Keeping Up With The Kardashians- I know I just said I prefer British reality TV series but I love the Kardashians series and I have been watching it quite a bit recently especially with the new series coming out. I'm also envious of their houses as they literally have the same house designs as me so it gives me inspiration for houses even though I'm only 14 and won't be buying a house for a long time.

Eastenders- Now back on our own soil and had to include Eastenders. I go through spells where I don't like it or I'm really into it and that's me now even though I didn't watch it for 4 months but my friend Cerys got me back into after telling me every morning what happened the night before. I feel like all my favourites are leaving so I need some new characters who I actually like.

Friends- Friends is another TV show which I like all of the time and it's another show Cerys got me into because she is obsessed. I've been watching series 10 but I do catch random episodes on Comedy Central and I still have a lot of episodes in my Sky planner to watch so that's me sorted for another month. I think my favourite woman character is Rachel and my favourite man character has to be Joey, I know that's what everyone says but I do really like Jennifer Anniston and Joey is just boss!

That's all of the shows I've been loving recently and if you want to see a Top 5 Favourite YouTubers at the moment I will do that; I also have a lot of Top 5s planned as lots of mini posts which I'm excited to write! For more follow me on Twitter (@_louisecarter_) and Instagram (@thelipstickinsider) because I know you want to.

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